Over the years, the MaGC team has developed innovative consulting tools. These tools assimilate global best practices across sectors the team has encountered in its consulting work. MaGC’s generic consulting approach for effective problem solving and methodology towards specific assignments is guided by these tools.
The 3PT® framework is applied in almost all of MaGC’s assignments. The tool recognizes that for any reform initiative to succeed, four different but interrelated dimensions need to be addressed.
These four dimensions are:
(the WHY of change management) – The legislative framework, policies, and guidelines, which set the governing environment in which the organization functions need to be aligned to the organizational objectives and strategic goals. This dimension answers the question – Why something needs to be done?
(the WHAT of change management) – The process dimension addresses how policies are translated into specific actions on the ground. The challenge here is to put in place processes that ensure that the organization functions efficiently without compromising on internal controls envisaged in the Policy documents. This dimension answers the question – What needs to be done and how?
(the WHO of change management) – Policies and Processes make little sense unless the organization has the human resources to implement the policies and perform the processes. This dimension addresses the manpower requirements in terms of quantity and quality aspects and answers the question – Who will do what?
(the HOW of change management) – In today’s business environment, process improvement is invariably linked to applying the appropriate technology tools for process automation. This dimension is closely linked with the Process dimension. This dimension answers the question – How will things happen?
This tool is well-received by decision makers. It helps them understand the multiple facets of the initiatives/reform being undertaken and helps assign stakeholder responsibility for action items and define time frames. Subsequent progress monitoring and evaluation is also facilitated by this methodical approach.
The Accountability-Transparency-Actionability model (ATA©) was created out of Dr. Murali’s research. This model establishes clear linkages between the three elements and provides insights into weaknesses accountability issues. It helps in conceptualization of policies/processes and their implementation. It is also useful in establishing governance structures both in the Government and Industry. This tool has been discussed in depth in Dr. Murali’s book ‘Demand side of Accountability’.
The Accounting Entry Matrix (AEM©)finds application in accounting manuals developed by MaGC. AEM in its basic form is a tabular representation of all possible accounting entries that arise in the course of day-to-day accounting in an organization. It goes into basic accounting elements for each transaction, namely:
• The accounting entry to be passed namely, receipt voucher, payment voucher, journal voucher and so on
• The account heads to be debited and the account heads to be credited
• The supporting voucher based on which the accounting entry is passed
• The primary books of account which are affected by that entry
AEM is customized to suit each client’s transactions and can include certain additional elements like key supporting documents, menu in software, back-end entries, etc. AEM acts as a ready reckoner for accountants by making available the entire accounting manual in a capsule. It is also useful for the internal auditor who verifies the transactions during vouching.
AEM has proved to be popular with government clients -local bodies in particular – that are in the process of transition to double entry accrual accounting.
Click here for a sample Accounting Entry Matrix.
Combining many years of research and experience on process documentation assignments, MaGC has come up with its own methodology for process documentation called the Layered Approach to Process Mapping (LAMP™). LAMP™ involves mapping of processes in four layers, namely:
Process Layer – This layer presents the information flows amongst departments and process actors. The process layer is presented in the form of swim lane charts and can go down to the minutest tail. The interrelationship between different processes is clearly presented in this layer.
Document Layer – This layer shows the exchange of documentation as people go about performing routine processes. The type of document, number of copies and to the user of each copy of the document are presented in the document layer.
Authority Layer – This layer outlines the activities requiring authorization/verification/approval and identifies the person responsible. This layer results in an ‘authority matrix’ cutting across the organization. This layer ensures that whenever there is a change in the delegation of powers, the process document can be revised by modifying only the Authority Layer.
Reporting Layer – This layer identifies the responsibility for reporting, the reporting hierarchy, and report formats, along with a mapping to the data source for each report. Protocols for exception reporting are also set out in this layer.
LAMP™ methodology helps ensure that no loose ends are left out while creating business process documents. It also helps to align policy with the last level of execution and reporting.