Sandeep Dash
Finance Member,
Bangalore Development Authority
This is to certify that NCR Consultants Ltd., Chennai are the consultants for introducing Computerised Works Management System (CWMS) at Bangalore Development Authority........
Suresh Balakrishnan
Executive Director,
Public Affairs Centre, Bangalore
This is to certify that M/s. NCR Consultants Ltd., Chennai is the consultant to Public Affairs Centre for implementation of Fund Based Accounting System initiated by KUIDFC, Bangalore......... The project involved designing an Accounting Policy, Accounting Procedure, Accounting Regulation, Accounting Manual and Management Information System, Developing and Deploying Customised software and conducting training for the officers and staff, on FBAS.....
Dr. M R Ekanthappa
Chief (I/C) Gram Swaraj Project,
Office of the Gram Swaraj Project - Government of Karnataka
We acknowledge the participation and completion of the consultancy assignment by NCR Consultants Limited in the preparation of the Gram Panchayat Accounting Manual (Double entry system of accounting) for maintenance of accounts under Karnataka Panchayath Raj.... The Manual will be of immense help to the users in the fiscal management...
P K Srihari, IRS
Additional Commissioner (Finance),
Bangalore Mahanagara Palika
This is to appreciate the efforts put in by your team along with the BMP(Bangalore MahanagaraPalike) staff in bringing out the system generated financial statements of BMP for the first half of 2003-04, in the formats of 'Fund Based Accounting System'. This is not only the first time in India but also first time of assembling the support system for generation of the same.......
K C Dharanesh Murthy
K S A S Finance Officer,
Bangalore University
This is to Certify that M/s. NCR Consultants Limited, Chennai were consultants to Bangalore University for introducing and implementation of Fund Based Accounting System and framing of common Finance and Accounting Rules for all universities in Karnataka...
Sharan Kumar Shetty
Professor, Excel Business Academy,
Feedback on our IFRS Sessions from Participants
"It was Indeed a very fabulous session we had from you. We realy grateful to your great session at Indian Academy Bangalore today....." - Sharan Kumar Shetty, Professor, Excel Business Academy, Bangalore "Thanks a lot for such a wonderful session on IFRS. It was a real eye opener for all of us at the Indian Academy. Especially the Industry scenario explanation was great indeed!...... - Student "Thanks for the well presented session on IFRS. Your session enabled us to get an insight into the developments in the world of IFRS......"
Dr. K H Palin
Managing Director,
Shija Hospitals and Research Institute, Langol, Imphal
NCRCL has designed and implemented a comprehensive Management Information System in our hospital. The assignment included identification of decision making needs, prescribing reporting requirements, data mapping, development of a spreadsheet based tool for reporting, training and handholding during implementation. The MIS has helped the senior management in making better and timely decision. We appreciate the efforts put in by the NCRCL team in successfully implementing the MIS and wish them success in all their future assignments...
M K Muthuvelu
Meticulous Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
The attachment sent by you got circulated to 17 intellectuals in India and abroad. Of this two telephoned me and expressed their words of appreciation. Sharing is generous & noble. Thanks to NCRCL...
Swati Ramanathan
India Urban Space Foundation
We acknolodge the services rendered by NCRCL for project PLATINUM - a joint project of IUSF and the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. NCRCL helped in conceptualizing and documenting the process flows based on the framework Land Titling Act. NCRCL also helped design the key project documents and provided inputs on the technology solution for project PLATINUM. The subject knowledge and expertise of the NCRCL team added value to the project. We wish NCRCL all success in all future endeavours...
Aparna Prasad
Director-HR, Communication & Corporate affairs,
The JGI Group
NCR Consultants Limited has been associated with The JGI Group. Bangalore for over 2 years. They have been working with our finance team to prepare the Accounting Manual for the ARKA Trust. The manual encapsulates accounting policies, processes and document formats. I appreciate the dedication, knowledge and expertise of the NCRCL team that has added value to the project. I wish them success in all their future endeavours...
C S Vedant, IFS
PCCF & Managing Director,
, Karnataka Forest Development Corporation Limited
This is to certify that M/s NCR Consultants Limited (NCRCL) was engaged by KFDCL as consultants for 'Preparation of RFP for ERP'. The assignment has been successfully completed by NCRCL. We appreciate the knowledge and professional inputs provided by the NCRCL team and wish them success in all future assignments...
Kornel Das
Orissa Livestock Development Corporation
Dear Dr. R.S. Murali, Namaskar. There is a good news to share with you all. The Proposal for reorganisation of the AHD, Cuttack has been approved by the Government of Odisha with some modification. Our efforts are bearing fruit and we are happy though it took several years. Hope you all doing well. Please convey it to all those were involved in preparing the report...
Major General K R Prasad(Veteran)
Coordinator Janaagraha,
, Janaagraha Centre For Citizenship & Democracy
NCR Consultants Limited was contracted by Janaagraha for process documentation as a part of ‘Proper Urban Electoral Rolls (PURE)’. The assignment involved documenting 20 different processes in ‘Maintenance of Proper Urban Electoral Systems’. NCRCL also provided inputs for enabling the processes with technology. The process document was appreciated by the CEO Karnataka Office. The work was completed to the fullest satisfaction of Janaagraha. We wish them success in all their future endeavours...
J Venkateswarlu
Chairman, Committee on Accounting Standards for Local Bodies,
, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Dear Ashok Rao, Thank you very much for all your help to ICAI. Personally I am deeply obliged to you for your timely help and commitment. Look forward to your continued help to ICAI...
Major General K R Prasad
Veteran Coordinator Janaagraha Grassroots Programmes,
Janaagraha Centre For Citizenship & Democracy
NCR Consultants Limited (NCRCL) was contracted by Janaagraha for mapping of processes in Police station. The work done by the NCRCL was very satisfactory and is highly appreciated. We acknowledge the process expertise and documentation skill of the NCRCL team. We wish them success in all future endeavours...
Anil Kumble
Hon. President,
The Karnataka State Cricket Association
M/s NCR Consultants Limited has successfully completed the assignment of 'Consultancy for Business Process Reengineering and Management Information System'....... NCRCL also provided inputs in implementation of Microsoft Dynamics ERP. The assignment by NCRCL has added lot of value to KSCA in streamlining of internal systems. We appreciate the knowledge and experience of the NCRCL team....
Moa Westman
Regional Programme Adviser - Africa,
UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya
Dear Mr. Murali, I am working for the UNDP-UNEP Poverty Environment Initiative (PEI) Africa Regional team and received your contact details from my colleague Ruud Jansen working for PEI Botswana. I would like to congratulate you and your team for the great job with the PEER scoping report in Botswana......
N S Rajan
Janalakshmi Financial Services Pvt. Ltd
....the team has done outstanding work in relation to the assignment entrusted to them by us and they were always at our call to clarify any doubts, assisting our office staff in compiling/populating the data on the Credit Score Model, etc. They have an eye for details to ensure that all relevant processes are captured to make the tool robust and client specific, besides adopting a working and practical approach in implementation and also suggesting ways and means for improvement based on current and future business growth. MaGC's years of experience in Consultancy Assignments in diverse areas of Strategy, Governance, Management, Finance, Accounting and Information Technology, coupled with highly qualified and trained professionals has resulted in providing us with the best results we were looking for.....
Major General (Retd) K R Prasad
Veteran, Coordinator - JanaRoots,
Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship & Democracy
The Community Policing Advisory Group has expressed its appreciation of the work done by MaGC. We wish to formally thank you and your team for your efforts in preparing the Study report. We look forward to continued association with you and wish you all the success in future endeavours....
CA J Venkateswarlu
Committee on Accounting Standards for Local Bodies, ICAI
Dear CA. Ashok Rao, On behalf of the Committee on Accounting Standards for Local Bodies of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, we profusely thank you for taking a session in the Workshop-cum-training programme on ‘Improvement of Accounting and Implementation of Double Entry Accrual System (DEAS) of Accounting’ for the Accounts Officers and immediate Supervisory Officer of the ULBs of Karnataka at Bangalore during August 25-26, 2014. Your presentation was excellent and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and we have received good feedback. We appreciate you for sharing your time, talent and expertise. The programme would not have been so successful without your active support and co-operation. We look forward to your continued support for our future programmes too....
Ms. Chitra Govindarajan
Director HR and Administration,
Flow Link Systems Private Limited
Dr. Murali’s approach has been very practical. Based on his experience in varied fields over few decades. He was able to provide the company with the right prescription. The company has already began implementing various suggestions and recommendations provided by him.....
Hemant Tathod
Head - Product Management,
Peopleworks Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Dear Gopal, We appreciate the wonderful work You & Praveena have done in the Phase 2 for PeopleWorks division. The PW team thoroughly enjoyed working with you guys.The project was completed successfully, On Time & as per our Satisfaction. Keep up the good work & Wish you the Best....
Verve Technology Services Pte. Ltd
Hi Kishore, We thank you and your team for the detailed documentation on process mapping and recommendations of our various processes across divisions. We believe your recommendations can fine tune our processes. We are in the process of implementing your recommendations.
Basanta Das
Sr. Manager (IT & Electronics),
CARE Group
Including the team, I thank respected Murali Sir for his valuable 2 days FA session that really helped us a lot to understand and design the module (the way he approached to clear the doubts of FA mapping is unforgettable)...
Krishna Kustagi
Janalakshmi Financial Services Private Limited
We place on record the exemplary work done by you in bringing out our Product Manuals… The manuals will serve as a single reference point to our functionaries and help them to carry out their product related functions in a structured manner… We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
Dr. Nikhil Saket
Secretary, Committee on Public Finance and Govt Accounting,
Institute of Chartered Accountants Of India
This is with great pleasure to apprise you that your article was published in the publication " The Dynamics of Local Governance in India " which was launched by CA. Piyush Goyal, Hon'ble Union Minister of State (I/C) for Power, Coal and New & Renewable at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi on the occasion of 65th Annual Function of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on 11th February, 2015.
We express our heartiest gratitude towards you for contributing an article for the said publication. We look forward for your continued patronage towards ICAI and we hope you would consider our Committee for future assignments as well.
K. M. Hasan FCA
Managing Partner,
K. M. Hasan & Co., Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Murali, the Senior Consultant of MaGC and his associate Ms. Praveena conducted the two days training programme most successfully. Their deliberations, the participants' spontaneity, the case studies accomplished and the exchange of knowledge and ideas during the training course were highly satisfactory and the participants will be immensely benefited to enhance their knowledge for ultimate improvement of the audit quality of our firm.
Maj Gen K R Prasad
Veteran Coordinator – CL and CP,
Bala Janaagraha
The Standard Operations Procedure (SOP) prepared by MaGC for the Bala Janaagraha Programme is a one stop source and reference material for the programme. This effort will certainly help Janaagraha in making our programme more streamlined in the years to come. The entire process was carried out in an organized manner with least disturbance. The work carried out was prompt, proactive and with adherence to timelines. We appreciate the work done by the MaGC team ably led by Praveena”
Rajeswar H N
Course Co-ordinator,
Fiscal Policy Institute, Government of Karnataka
Please accept our sincere appreciation for the outstanding presentation you made in the training program on Externally Aided Projects held in the first week of July 2015. Judging from the feedback of those who attended, the training program was very successful. The credit goes to you and the others who gave such interesting presentations. Thank you so much for sharing your time and experiences with us.....
Sreenivasa A
Dy Adviser & Faculty,
Fiscal Policy Institute, Government of Karnataka
On behalf of Fiscal Policy Institute, we are profusely thank to you for taking a session in the training programme on "Analysis of Financial Statements" for the officers of PSUs and Departments of Government of Karnataka at our Institute during August 12-14, 2015.
Your presentation was excellent and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and we have received good feedback. We appreciate you for sharing your time, talent and expertise. The programme would not have been so successful without your active support and co-operation. We look forward to your continued support for our future programmes too....
Amit Gandhi,
Novelvox Softwares India (P) Ltd.
Kishore and his team have done an excellent job in putting various accounting, finance, compliance processes and MIS in place that has helped us in running the company more efficiently. Kishore’s dedication, knowledge and expertise in the field is highly remarkable. We are glad to have worked with MaGC and wish you all the best for future endeavors.
H Rajasimha
Managing partner,
HARS Innovations
MaGC thoroughly studied the present expenditure bill processing at BESCOM, evolved suitable solutions to the problems and recommended better procedures and systems. They also held detailed deliberations with in-house and external experts. The final report submitted by them is very lucid and widely appreciated by all. We wish them all success in their future endeavours.
Sonam Dorji
Executive Director,
Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited
Thanks for the report and for successful completion of the [Audit Ease] training. We look forward to working together in other similar fields in future.
Shanmugasundaram Doraisamy
Managing Partner,
Venbro Polymers
Thank for the wonderful effort put in by the entire team. My appreciation goes to the Team members and the management of MaGC for their hard work and patience.
K Subalakshmi,
Founder Director,
Macromoney Research Initiatives Pvt. Ltd.
This is to certify that MaGC has successfully completed the assignment - 'Building a Database on the Budgets of Municipal Corporations in India' for Macromoney Research Initiatives Pvt. Ltd. We acknowledge the expertise of MaGC in this area and appreciate the efforts put in by the MaGC team in completing the assignment within agreed timelines.
H. T Kamal Pathamsiri, SLAS
Secretary to Ministry of Provincial Councils,
Local Government and Sports, Government of Sri Lanka
……It is indeed very fruitful visits and meetings we had along with the partners KUIDFC, IDECK, OUIDF at Bangalore and Bhubaneswar and workshop conducted by MaGC. We thank MaGC and their team for giving due considerations to our views and recommendations during the exposure visit and the discussions we had on the restructuring program.
We are indeed thankful…… MaGC for sharing their insights, industry experience and knowledge of municipal financing which was of high value.
Mr Karma Jurme
Chief Executive Officer,
Bhutan Telecom Limited
The assignment was completed satisfactorily and in time. We appreciate MaGC firm for the comprehensive risk based internal audit manual and providing ERM workshop to the key management and also on the hands on training to internal auditors and others. We look forward for your assistance in implementing the RBIAM.
Mr Tenzin
Chief Executive Officer,
Penden Cement Authority Limited
The assignment was completed satisfactorily and as per our agreed timeline. We appreciate and thank MaGC for the quality consultancy service provided to PCAL.
Chief Executive Officer,
Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited
This is to certify that Management and Governance Consulting has successfully completed the assignment - Preparation of Internal Audit Manual. The assignment was completed satisfactorily. We appreciate the personalised services rendered by the MaGC consultants. The consultants were found to be extremely dedicated in the work assigned. They were result oriented, professional and sincere. Their excellent interpersonal skills and knowledge in the field helped in completing the project in the given time frame.
Latest Social Media Post
The January 2022 edition of @institute The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India's e-journal 'The Chartered Accountant' featured an article on Public Finance Management written by our consultants CA. Praveena Raja and CA. 2022