Program design for urban climate projects

The Assignment
The assignment involved working as part of a consortium of consultants on co-constructing the design of the CITIIS 2 Program. The Program, which is the second phase after CITIIS 1, is part of India’s ambitious Smart Cities Mission. The program is funded by the AFD-KfW-EU consortium, led by AFD.

MaGC Approach and Methodology
A diagnostic was undertaken to assimilate learnings from the first phase of the Program and past urban investment Programs. Design considerations were then laid out keeping the climate orientation of the Program in mind. This was followed by closely working with stakeholders in co-designing the Program through consultations and design workshops. In an iterative manner.

The Output
The output was a Program Concept Note which laid out the contours of the Program. The design covered policy actions and capacity building required in addition to hardcore investments towards furthering the climate agenda. Three separate components of the Program were directed at the city, state and national levels. The state component followed a results-based financing approach with disbursements linked to pre-agreed results.

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