The Assignment
The assignment involved end-to-end management of a grant programme involving a multi-stage debate competition on behalf of a leading education institution in Chennai. The institution was the implementing partner of the grant along with the Chennai office of the diplomatic body that had provided the grant.
MaGC Approach and Methodology
There were two elements to the assignment viz., management of grant fund (financial) and management of the competition(operations). MaGC’s approach to the financial element was to adhere fully to the rules and requirements of the diplomatic body with regards to the grant application, budget preparation and reporting of expenditures. MaGC’s approach to the operational element was to prepare extensive checklists based on previous experience and directly control and coordinate the logistics of the project as per the checklists.
The Output
The final outputs consisted of several statutory financial and non-financial reports that were submitted by the institution to the diplomatic body, documentation related to the competition as well as an independent Project Management Report to the diplomatic body.